Shuttle Laps

Now that SBJ is officially able to ride his bike, we took the boys on a little trail and did some shuttle laps. It was a short trail, but the boys wanted to go 3x! I’m so impressed by how well he did, considering he just learned how to ride. Good job, Kid! Continue reading “Shuttle Laps”

The Twinkle in His Eyes

Why do I get the sense that I am going to be in big trouble? Why do I already feel worried about the days and years to come raising a boy who loves any- and everything with wheels that goes “vrooom”? Do you see the twinkle in his eyes? Continue reading “The Twinkle in His Eyes”

Sunday Bud-Day

We had a nice visit and walk to one of our favorite lakeside parks with a few of our buddies. We loaded up the wagon hauled ourselves over. We wanted to spend all that extra energy so everyone could enjoy naptime.  It was a beautiful day and not too crowded (which is always perfect).

I’m going to have to add the comparison photos of them together at this park last summer, because they have grown so much!  Continue reading “Sunday Bud-Day”

A Blissful Camping Experience

We were invited to go camping at D.L. Bliss State Park with the ladies across the street. They go every year for a few nights right before school starts and they go with a large group of Moms with kids. Most of the kids were between 4th – 6th grade, so SBJ was the baby of the bunch. We had a few challenges considering it was the first time camping with the child, and without Patrick. I was feeling brave and optimistic.  Continue reading “A Blissful Camping Experience”

Dirt Face Baby

This child is so funny. I took him over to the Burn area for our afternoon walk to try to spend the last of his energy before we turned in for the night. He protested a nap today, so he was nearly falling asleep on the walk over there. I’ve had to stop taking him over there in his stroller because he has a weird obsession with the wheels which distracts from the whole wearing-him-out thing I’m trying to achieve, so I carried him in the Ergo. Continue reading “Dirt Face Baby”

Keep the Packaging!

My Sweet Baby James has a thing for Monster Trucks, we all know. Since the end of April it’s been a thing. Anytime he’s gotten a new “mo-tro” as he calls it [Momma-swoooon] he insists on hanging onto the packaging, because after all….it’s got the whole collection of Monster Trucks on the back of it.  Continue reading “Keep the Packaging!”

Kiss-Kiss Fish

One of his favorite books is the Pout-Pout Fish. At the end of the book, the Pout-Pout Fish discovers that he’s actually not a Pout-Pout, he’s a Kiss-Kiss Fish! He loves this book, calls it “Pou-Pou” and asks us to read it several times per day.  He knows what a “smooch” is and he is starting to give his version of a kiss upon request (which is an opened mouth press upon my cheek). Pretty much the sweetest, most tender moment ever! Continue reading “Kiss-Kiss Fish”